About | The Family Art Shop
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Shea Shumway


Hi! I'm Shea and I live in the beautiful mountains of Northern Utah. After working as a graphic designer for several years and becoming the happiest mama to two beautiful blondies. I found myself wanting to create more meaningful pieces of artwork outside of clientele requests. And here I am, designing art that has both a purpose in serving families and is made by my own hands. I guess you could say my motto is: "Mama's gotta make!"

For quite a while, I searched and searched for a family tree that I thought was worthy of hanging in my home. When none could be found, I put paint and scissors to paper and began the journey of creating beautifully designed family trees and voila - The Family Art Shop was born (my other baby)! 

When I'm not playing outdoors with my girls, with dirt smudges on my cheek and drool on my left shoulder, you can find me working late hours into the night, (aka - my babies are asleep), painting and crafting paper designs to highlight your unique and special family history or legacy.

briana bingham


Hello! I'm Briana and I too am blessed to live in beautiful Northern Utah. I have been working as a graphic designer for a long time, I feel old if I say how long! I have worked in freelance design for quite awhile creating logos, websites, ads and editing photos. I was looking for something that related a little more to my personal creative side. I met Shea as she was searching for help during the holidays and quickly became her "groupie"! I knew this was a great fit for me, because I am a bit of a genealogy nerd after an awesome neighbor sparked a light inside me I didn't know was there. Creating these trees and reading through fun names and dates brings so much joy to my soul! I love it!


When I am not working away on a drawing pad or the computer I am outside! I love just being in my yard with my three girls and husband. I enjoying gardening, but can't seem to keep much of it alive.


Raising three girls is tough with lots of emotions all over the place. I am just trying to remember that each day is gift, truly just flying by. Wiping the sweat from my brow, taking short breaks (with peanut M&M's) and moving forward some days faster than others!  

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